March 16, 2017

Baha’u’llah bestowed a new name to every believer attending the conference of Badasht

On every day of the twenty-two days of that sojourn He revealed a Tablet which Sulayman of Nur chanted in the presence of the believers. Upon each one of the Bábís He bestowed a new name as his Bábí title. Henceforth each would normally be addressed by his fellows only by that distinctive title of honor. He designated Himself as Bahá, the Glorious One, nor apparently was this title taken amiss by critical Babis, a tribute to His palpable excellence. Upon the last Letter of the Living, Muhammad-'Ali of Barfurush, He conferred the appellation of Quddus, the Most Holy One. And upon Fatimih of Qazvin he bestowed the new title of Tahirih, the Pure One. However, the identity of Him who had conferred the new names upon them was not made, although each surely conjectured according to his degree of perception. For each companion a special Tablet was later revealed by the Báb, each addressed by the new name of great symbolic and personal meaning. 
- David Ruhe  (‘Robe of Light’, vol. 1)