Do Thou bless, O Lord my God, the Primal Point, through Whom
the point of creation hath been made to revolve in both the visible and
invisible worlds, Whom Thou hast designated as the One whereunto should return
whatsoever must return unto Thee, and as the Revealer of whatsoever may be
manifested by Thee. Do Thou also bless such of His Letters as have not turned
away from Thee, who have been firmly established in Thy love, and clung
steadfastly to Thy good-pleasure. Bless Thou, likewise, as long as Thine own
Self endureth and Thine own Essence doth last, them that have suffered
martyrdom in Thy path. Thou art, verily, the Ever-Forgiving, the Most Merciful.
Moreover, I beseech Thee, O my God, by Him Whom Thou hast
announced unto us in all Thy Tablets and Thy Books and Thy Scrolls and Thy
Scriptures, through Whom the kingdom of names hath been convulsed, and all that
lay hid in the breasts of them that have followed their evil and corrupt
desires hath been revealed, -- I beseech Thee to strengthen us in our love for
Him, to make us steadfast in His Cause, to help us befriend His loved ones and
challenge His enemies. Shield us, then, O my God, from the mischief wrought by
them that have denied Thy presence, and turned away from Thy face, and resolved
to put an end to the life of Him Who is the Manifestation of Thine own Self.
- Bahá’u’lláh (‘Prayers and Meditations by Bahá’u’lláh’)